Save the instruction manual for future reference. (This appliance cannot be coveredunder warranty if the product is abnormally or commercially used). Please carefully follow the instructions in the manual. Please carefully read throughthe precautions and exercise care when using the appliance.Warning: This label warns of the risk of death or severe injuries.ProhibitedCaution: This label warns of the risk of injuries or appliance damage.Must take actionDo not disassembleImportant SafeguardsThis appliance is for household use only. ROYAL PRESTIGE JUICE EXTRACTOR3The following precautions are provided to ensure the safety of the user. The valuableinformation contained in this manual will provide an overview of the product, some helpful hints to get you started, as well as troubleshooting tips should you have issues with this product in the future. Please be sure to read this manualin its entirety before using your Royal Prestige Juice Extractor to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience. 24READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USEIntroductionWelcome and congratulations on purchasing your Royal Prestige Juice Extractor. USEAND& CAREUSECAREMANUALMANUALROYAL PRESTIGE JUICE EXTRACTORIMPORTANT: To prevent personal injury and/or property damage,read and follow the instructions and warnings in this Care and Use Manual.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, SEE REVERSE FOR YOUR SERVICE CENTER CONTACT NUMBER.FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY.ĢROYAL PRESTIGE JUICE EXTRACTORTable of ContentsIntroduction.